Wednesday, December 30
Monday, November 23
Bell Smith Springs

Posted by
Bob Tyson
11/23/2009 12:04:00 PM
Labels: Bell Smith Springs, Hike, Uncle Bob
Friday, October 23
FS 747 Trail
The trail is an old Forest Service road, traversing continual views of deep ravines on both sides of the path. We encounter rock outcroppings several times. The trail steeply desends to a narrow creekbed. Note a spur trail on the righ whch frequently crosses acreek with some nice views. A long ascent follows to a point where we can see Fountain Bluff in the distance. Eventually we descend to a utility right-a-way and electric tower. The trail goes steeply downward to an open field. I retraced the path back to the car. This trail is worthwhile during leaf-off and the distance out and back is approx 2.5 hours. Avoid this one after frequent rains and also becomes overgrown in the summer and fall. Since this is not an official FS trail, it is not maintained.
Subsequent to this visit, I was here after our May wind storm and downfalls block the entry point of the trail. The picture, above, shows an example of serious erosion along the trail. More info from Bob Tyson at 684-5643 or
Posted by
Bob Tyson
10/23/2009 12:25:00 AM
Labels: FS Trail 747, Hike, Uncle Bob
Tuesday, September 22
Cedar Bluff Trail

Posted by
Bob Tyson
9/22/2009 12:55:00 PM
Labels: Cedar Bluff Trail, Hike, Uncle Bob
Monday, July 20
Hayes Canyon Trail

I am happy to report as of 11-11-12, that the rim trail segment of 493 which leads to 498, has been graveled the whole distance. Due to its "zig zag" new layout the trail seems longer. Great effort by Forest Service.
Posted by
Bob Tyson
7/20/2009 10:36:00 AM
Labels: Hayes Canyon Trail, Hike, Uncle Bob
Thursday, June 18
Jackson Hole Trail

4-27-10: Since the jeep road section to access Jackson Hole is private property, an owner has closed it-no trespassing. This is because some hunters killed the owner's dog along that section. Hikers will now have to access the trail via Hayes canyon (scroll this blog for directions). A hiking organization may be cleared to access but I will not be publishing the contact person in this blog.
3-1-13: issue is resolved now that the county reclaimed mustang lane. road is improved so you can drive a truck down to the end; Otherwise, it is okay to park on the overhang and walk the rest of the way to trail #457.
Posted by
Bob Tyson
6/18/2009 11:41:00 AM
Labels: Hike, Jackson Hole Trail, Uncle Bob
Tuesday, April 28
Ranbarger Hollow Trail
We start out on the River to River Trail and soon reach a junction on the left for Ranbarger Trail (#204). The Shawnee National Forest brochure says the trail is 3 miles, but I calculate it at two. The salient feature of this trail during leaf-off is that of a ridgetop backbone trail with continuous views down steep ravines on both sides of the trail. Occasionally, one will be walking in deep gullies filled with leaves. The first junction has Bald Cross Trail on the left. That one has even steeper views of ravines but the trail becomes less discernable after 20 minutes.
Continuing on Ranbarger, the trail winds up and down but not steep. At a ridgetop (about 1 mile), note an unmarked junction-go left and head downhill. It is rocky tread for a short distance. There are few trail signs but the direction seems obvious. At 1.8 mile, another unmarked junction on the right-the sign is laying on the ground: go straight ahead and now steeply descend downhill for a short distance and come to an old Forest Service fence and creek. The Forest Service has extended the trail on the left to cross a deeply eroded creekbed; However, once across, the trail is obliterated by a huge downfall. I traced the route back to the car. The trail is only worthwhile during leaf-off and overgrown with weeds on the trail from May-October. More info from Bob Tyson at 684-5643 or GPS coordinates at the parking area appear to be 37 34' 08"N and 89 21' 42" W
Posted by
Bob Tyson
4/28/2009 11:23:00 PM
Labels: Hike, Ranbarger Trail, Uncle Bob
Sunday, April 12
Garden of Gods Update

Posted by
Bob Tyson
4/12/2009 11:57:00 PM
Labels: Garden of Gods, Hike
Thursday, March 19
Hurricane Bluff Trails

Posted by
Bob Tyson
3/19/2009 01:06:00 PM
Labels: Hike, Hurricane Bluff Trails, Uncle Bob
Wednesday, February 11
Cedar Grove Trailhead
Continuing with our monthly series, "Adventures with Uncle Bob-Guide to Self-Adventure in Southern Illinois," we feature this section of the River to River Trail from Cedar Grove Road to Bay Lake. Its length is 3.7 miles, and I rate it at moderate level (alternates between level grade and stretches of up and down). 2/3 of the trail travels on old Forest Service road and the remainder along narrow paths.
12-3-2012: The first paragraph noted a side trail going to Sand Cave. This is marked now as trail 030. I walked this trail and is in great shape: lots of switchbacks for gentile terrain, well graveled,well marked along the way. Scroll this blog to sand Cave where i have a complete description of 030 loop trail.
Posted by
Bob Tyson
2/11/2009 02:39:00 PM
Labels: Cedar Grove Trail, Hike, Uncle Bob
Tuesday, January 13
East Trigg Trailhead

Posted by
Bob Tyson
1/13/2009 10:51:00 AM
Labels: East Trigg Trail, Hike, Uncle Bob