Native Plant Project - Vienna Ranger Station
The Shawnee Group Sierra Club, along with several other non-profits, entered into a cost share agreement with the U.S. Forest Service to supply volunteer labor for native landscaping at the new Hidden Springs Ranger Station in Vienna. To date, students from Vienna High School have contributed a lot of time with some of the initial landscaping, but the Forest Service is in need of some additional help.
Projects that need attention now include:
Remove daffodils (you can keep what you dig if you like).
General springtime garden bed clean up.
Help with establishing a short nature trail through a tiny woodlot adjacent to the building -- requires some small shrub/tree and invasive species removal, constructing some brush/habitat piles, laying some weed fabric and mulch on trails, etc.
Please contact Terri Treacy at to schedule a time -- week day or weekend -- to lend a hand.